Monday, June 6, 2011

Final Exam

How do you feel about your final exam? Are you ready? What parts do you feel unsure about? What parts are you confident about. If the teacher were to say as he was passing out the exams, "Don't worry, this exam is very easy," how much would you want to kill him?

I feel pretty confident about this final exam. I'd say I'm pretty ready for it, since I think I know the elements pretty well and can analyze the short stories we have read with relative ease. I read over the Nigerian folk tale we are supposed to analyze for the final, and understand it pretty well.

I haven't put much focus on the story 102 Minutes, however, so I'm hoping that there won't be many questions on that. Even comprehension questions may come a little hard for me. But after taking the finals I realized there weren't many multiple choice questions and zero short answer questions relating to the story.

For this test I wouldn't be as angry, as I spent a short amount of review time but not even close to an excessive amount. I think that my study time reflects the toughness of the test as it was described to me before and after the test. However, if the teacher of, say, AP Biology said that I would most definitely kill him.

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